can a masonry bit drill through glass?

i have a masonry bit and m trying to drill a hole in a glass bottle… will it work?

What type of masonary drill bit should I buy?

We have brick walls and borrowed a black&decker from my FIL – Now I have to get drill bits first so I went on ebay because our local hardware store only sells big sets of really expensive ones…I only need to drill a few holes and do not want to spe…

What are the right drill bits to use for basic power drills.?

i made a mistake and bought masonry drill bits, i did not realize they were the wrong ones till they arrived, all the so called experts on the television make out as if any novice can do this–so ive gone online and there is loads of different ones, …

Would J.F. Kennedy be alive to day if he did not giving his speech warning america about secret societies 666?

Would J.F. Kennedy be alive to day if he did not giving his speech warning america about secret societies 666?
Is Free Masonry a branch of a satanic mafia AKA the NWO which spiritually enslaves its members?
Is Revelations 13, ten referring to Satan

Are Freemasons doing a good job?

In case you do not know the the Freemasonic/Jews control the world look on the back of the dollar bill you see their all seeing eye of Lucifer, above the eagle is the star of David! Drive through a big city and what do you see on top of the skyscrape…

Is lucifer the god of earth, and the government comprehends this?

THe most common way to practice magic is through lucifer or satan, and there are alot of reports of the government being involved with secret societies. Well i think its pretty obvious is that they comprehend that the whole life of earth is on accoun…

Why is Jesus thought have been a carpenter when stone masonry was the predominant trade in that area?

Why does it seem like science and religion just cant get along?

The fact i see everybody use is evolution. Im tired of scientific people or more socalled atheists refuted religion they dont comprehend in the same way theologist refuse the being of atleast micro evolution which actually equates to adaptation. God …

Should Yahoo Answers Stop Allowing Questions to so Easily be Deleted?

What is up with this anti-1st amendment crowd on Y/A?

My question was about Freemasonry and why are GOPs allowed to join. I enjoy going to Lodge but many of my brothers are republican which baffles me as Masonry is supposed to be about spiritual en…

Do you think that any man woman or child may be saved?

me personally, i’ve slept with a prostitute, lied, stolen, beaten,destroyed an apartment, did drugs disrespected people without a good reason, not respecting mother or father; and if i can remember 1 time in my life i’ve done something right…..i ca…